Thornbury Running Club
Thornbury Running Club caters for runners of all abilities – beginners, improvers & competitors.
Our aim is to provide a local club that offers a friendly and social environment open to all running abilities. We believe in running for fun, fitness and competition. And for those who wish to improve their running we can support you through coaching and by providing you with opportunities to compete for the club. We have a large number of England Athletic (EA) qualified leaders and several EA Qualified Coaches.
The club organises three races a year, the Riverbank Rollick in January, Thornbury 10k in July and Oldbury 10 miler in September, all of which are very well supported.
We also run a 9 week ‘Introduction to Running for Beginners’ twice a year. The next one starts April 17th.
Website: Thornbury Running Club
Facebook: Thornbury Running Club
Instagram: thornburyrc
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