Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic and The Running School Bristol

Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic and The Running School Bristol

An ever present at the show, Chris Kay from the Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic and The Running School Bristol will be giving a talk and a workshop and will be located near the stage.

Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic

Chris is a fully qualified Sports Rehabilitation Specialist who specialises in diagnosing sports injuries, biomechanical assessment. This also includes functional rehabilitation, sports massage involving deep tissue and myofascial techniques, as well as nutrition. He is trained in the manual therapy technique called The Mulligan Concept – a world renowned technique in the treatment of many injuries. Bringing a a significant amount of experience in running and cycling injuries, Chris is also a qualified Joanne Elphinston Movement Systems Practitioner (JEMS). He lectures at the University of the West of England (UWE) for the undergraduates in Sports Rehabilitation.Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic

Running School Bristol

Chris is also the Manager and Head Running Coach at the Running School Bristol. He received a high level of training from world renown running expert Mike Antoniades at The Running School Headquarters in Chiswick. Chris is trained in Electrical Muscle Stimulation, therapeutic Ultrasound and Shockwave Therapy at Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic, a cutting edge treatment for persistent tendon problems.

Running Efficiency

The ability of the body to move efficiently is central to being able to perform at your best and stay injury free. Running is a skill and most people have not been taught how to run. We teach people how to run more efficiently; to reduce the risk of injury, improve running mechanics and to increase speed and performance.


Web: Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic
Facebook: @Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic


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