
We welcome LitterPloggerBristol to this year’s show. Plogging? What’s plogging? Plogging’ is the term used for jogging while picking up litter. Originating in Sweden, this sustainable initiative began in 2016 as a way to clean local areas of litter while out running. Led by Clair Sammons, plogging gives people the opportunity to give back to the spaces they frequently run, […]

Jogon Shoe Recycling at the Bristol Running Show

Gert Lush Events, hosts of the Berkeley Marathons UK and the Breakheart Backyard Ultra will be operating a JogOn shoe recycling collection point at the Bristol Running Show. Bring along your good unwanted shoes and Gert Lush will send them on to JogOn who will find a good home for them. Who or What is JogOn? Tony Piedade is the […]


MoveWell provides a range of portable, environmentally conscious products for injury rehabilitation, fitness training & wellbeing. All MoveWell products are made from recycled or natural materials. Web: Instagram: @movewell_uk

The Green Runners

The Green Runners was launched by a group of concerned runners in February 2022 in order to better inform runners how they can reduce their impact on the planet when training, eating and racing. Collaborating with Treesnottees, the club established 4 key pillars to being a Green Runner: 1) How YOU Move 2) How YOU Kit-up 3) How YOU Eat […]

Presca Sportswear

Presca is the world’s first climate positive sportswear brand, based in Bristol. We’re a group of cyclists, triathletes and runners who are as passionate about the world we live in as the sports we love. Presca offers high-quality clothing for our sports with the minimum impact possible – the kind of kit we would look forward to training and competing […]

Vegan Runners

Vegan Runners is a UK-wide athletics club for runners of all levels of ability.  We promote a healthy, performance-enhancing, cruelty-free lifestyle to runners and encourage vegans to take up running. Vegan Runners UK is affiliated to England Athletics.  The club is a non-profit-making company – the income we receive is reinvested in the club to benefit our members and support […]

Chris Bloor aka The Gaveller

Inventor of the Green Man Challenge, founder of Town and Country Harriers, author of three books connected to the Community Forest Path and Gaveller to the Honourable Order of Woodwoses. My aim is to lead people out of the city into the countryside, an aim I share with the 45-mile Community Forest Path around Bristol, discovered on a waymark in […]

Nina Davies and Kerry Sutton – Into the wild

Come and talk to Kerry and Nina about taking a journey Into the Wilds. Kerry is an experienced run coach, ultra runner and motivational speaker. Nina is a trail and ultra runner. The outdoors and adventure have been part of their lives for most of their lives. It has taken them to inspiring places, given them fantastic challenges but mostly […]

Nina Davies

Nina Davies is a co-founder of The Green Runners,  a passionate running community making changes for a fitter planet. The Green Runners are a mix of environmentalists who care about running, and runners who care deeply about the environment. We think every runner can be a Green Runner. We can lead the way together and show what happens when a […]