Nina Davies

Nina DaviesNina Davies is a co-founder of The Green Runners,  a passionate running community making changes for a fitter planet. The Green Runners are a mix of environmentalists who care about running, and runners who care deeply about the environment. We think every runner can be a Green Runner. We can lead the way together and show what happens when a powerful community unites to win the race against climate breakdown. We are not about being perfect or calling people out. We are about inviting people in and supporting each other. Our mission is to challenge ourselves and the running industry, by taking individual pledges and organising collective action around our 4 pillars:

How you MOVE, How you KIT UP, How you EAT, How you SPEAK OUT

From repairing trainers to speaking out at local races or clubs, every new member pledges somethe green runners small personal changes. By committing to at least one of the four pillars in your pledge you are making a genuine difference and most importantly are inspiring others with your actions.

Success isn’t a small group of us doing this brilliantly. It’s the whole community doing it together. Creating widespread change and continuously improving whilst still enjoying our sport.

The Green Runners will be at The Running Show Bristol to talk to you about their growing community and exciting plans to support runners, clubs and race directors.

Web: The Green
Facebook: The Green Runners

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